Yard Waste

 Yard Waste Pickup

The Town of Winterville defines yard waste as material generated from a residential property/yard (i.e., grass, limbs, and leaves).  During peak seasons of grass and leaves we ask that residents be patient as we can get behind on routes due to the abundance of material to be picked up.  Below you will find specific information for residential yard waste.  If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact our office.



Grass & leaves pick-up is divided into 2 routes – Wednesday & Thursday.  See the attached map labeled “GRASS & LEAVES MAP” to determine the pick-up day for your address.

GRASS & LEAVES pick up includes:  Grass Clippings, Leaves, & Pine Straw.

Grass & Leaves Map

 *DO NOT bag these items, as they will not be picked up by the Town if they are bagged. The leaf suction truck will be damaged if a bag is pulled up into the blower.


Limbs pick-up is divided into 3 routes – Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday.  See the attached map labeled “LIMBS PICK UP ROUTE MAP” to determine the pick-up day for your address.

LIMBS pick up includes: Limbs – no greater than 6 ft. in length; no larger than 6 in. in diameter; this includes shrubs and bush limbs.

Limbs Pick Up Route Map

Note – If a pick-up route for a particular item is not completed on the scheduled pick-up day, the route will be completed on the following day. If the route falls on a holiday the pickup schedule will be adjusted for that week.  See "2015 Collection Schedule" below for adjusted schedule.

Combination Map Depicting Limbs/Grass/Leaves Schedule

Special Notice:  The Town does not pick up yard waste that was not generated by the resident.  If Town staff believes that a contractor is deliberately leaving yard waste at a residence that was not generated by the resident then we will not pick up the debris and will notify the residence in question.  When this occurs and is not detected it costs the Town and ultimately the taxpayer’s money so if you notice this occurring please contact our office at (252) 215-2412.

For the 2024 Waste Collection Calendar Click Here